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Is Your Head On Straight?


It's time for you to start feeling better.

The cranio-cervical junction (CCJ) is located at the base of the skull. This region contains the critical structures of the lower brainstem like the spinal cord, dura, and blood vessels. Misalignment of this area can negatively affect the nervous system, blood flow and posture.

Our unique process is designed to help patients regain function and decrease pain by improving body alignment and activating the muscular system. We specifically deploy Upper Cervical Care and Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT®) to achieve this.

Upper Cervical Care uses 3-D digital imaging and sound wave technology to asses and correct CCJ misalignment.

Muscle Activation Techniques® uses range of motion, muscle testing and precise muscle stimulation to assess and correct neuromuscular inhibition.

We would love to see if our unique approach can help you get your life back.

Please click “learn more” to dive deeper into what we do or “free consultation” if you’re ready to get started!


Dr. Collins


 Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9AM - 6PM


(772) 220-2207


412 SE Osceola St.
Stuart, FL 34994

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